Event RSVP's

RSVP To An Event
To RSVP to an Event, you can do so from 2 places. 1. RSVP from the Events Listings page. 2. RSVP directly on the unique Event page. 1. How t...
Wed, 15 Jul, 2020 at 2:19 PM
Change An Event RSVP
If you want to change how many guests you're bringing you can Change your RSVP.
Wed, 15 Jul, 2020 at 2:19 PM
Add a +1 (or more) on Your RSVP's
First find the event you'd like to RSVP and click RSVP. Once prompted with the pop-up modal, you'll be able to change how many guests you'...
Wed, 15 Jul, 2020 at 2:20 PM
Join An Event As A Event Host
Sometimes you want to join events are a regular attendee, while sometimes you might want to join as an Event Host. By default, if you create the event, ...
Mon, 2 Nov, 2020 at 3:24 AM
Cancel Your Upcoming Event RSVP
To easily find the event you're attending, navigate to the "Going" tab in the Events page. Select the event you want to cancel your R...
Wed, 15 Jul, 2020 at 2:04 PM