Navigate to the Communities tab, and click +New Community.
Here you will be provided with a form to specify all of the details for your community.
Fill in your information, then click Create.
That's it. Your community will then be sent for approval by the administrator.
You'll receive an email confirmation once the community is confirmed.
Public Communities
A public community is accessible to anyone. This includes viewing community, member list, groups, announcements, and events.
Anyone can join a public community.
A public community does not require approval of the community owner.
Private Communities
A private community has all of its contents hidden.
Anyone can join a private community, however, the community owner does need to manually approach each member request.
When a member is requesting to join a private community, you'll be shown banners indicating you need to review their join request.
Community URL
Your community URL can be changed in the future if necessary. You can learn more about community URLs In This Article.